
CN! 11/25 playlist and podcast

CN! Podcast
(click to download)

"Almeria" - Sir Richard Bishop, Transmissions from Sinai
"Tiger Mountain Peasant Song" - Fleet Foxes, Fleet Foxes
"Saltbreakers" - Laura Veirs, Saltbreakers
"Free the Bird" - Karl Blau, Zebra
"Sleepwalkin'" - Modest Mouse, Building Nothing Out of Something
"I'm Out Nine" - Dead Moon, Echoes of the Past I
"Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" - The Sonics, Boom
"Puker Corpse" - Eat Skull, Sick to Death
"Psychodelic Nightmare" - Dead Moon, Echoes of the Past II
"Trying to Make the Best Pt. I" - Hunger, Strictly From Hunger
"Aisle 13" - Built to Spill, There Is No Enemy
"Gamma Knife" - The Dead Science, Bird Bones in the Bughouse
"New Punk 4/3 New Punk" - AFCGT, Dirty Knobby 10''
"Feral" - ¡TchKunG!, Post World Handbook
"Theocracy" - Asymmetric Warfare, Legacy of Destruction
"Into the Eyeless Sockets of the Night"- Catharsis, Passion
"Joan of Arc with Hair Aflame" - From the Depths, Germinal
"Dream Smotherer" - Pissed Jeans, King of Jeans
"The River" - Lords of Light, Enterruption 7''
"Motown" - Harvey Milk, "Life...The Best Game In Town"
"The Sweetest Curse" - Baroness, Blue Record
"City On Drugs" - Times New Viking, Born Again Revisited
"Let's Build A Campfire There" - Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti, Vital Pink
"Sweet Jane" - The Velvet Underground, Loaded
"Losing Feeling" - No Age, Losing Feeling EP
"Pioneers of Sleep" - Eyes and Arms of Smoke, A Religion of Broken Bones
"Ape-like" - Califone, All My Friends Are Funeral Singers
"Psalms 40:2" - The Mountain Goats, The Life of the World to Come
"Sharing" - Lou Barlow, Goodnight Unknown

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