
CN! 01/06 playlist and podcast

CN! Podcast
(click to download)

"Charlie Huston" - Saint Siren, Saint Siren
"The 36th Parallel" - Jordan O' Jordan, Not Style Nor Season Nor Hard-Handed Lesson
"Bound To Die" - Lonesome Shack, Bound to Die
"Look Down" - Nettle Honey
"A las barricadas" - Dandelion Junk Queens, Black Hearts and Red Balloons
"Murder of Crows" - Hail Seizures, Fucked Up Zoo
"Pool of Petals" - Wind Swept Planes, The Rose; Prickliest of Thorns
"Come True" - Jandek, Portland Thursday
"Two-Legged Dog" - AFCGT, AFCGT
"Apophenia" - Dull Knife, Apophenia
"polished.glass.autobahn" - our.love.will.destroy.the.world, Dirty Knobby 7''
"Silver Tongues, Soft Whispers" - Peaking Lights, Imaginary Falcons
"Salt" - Pocahaunted, Passage
"A Momentary Sun" - A Broken Consort, The Shape Leaves
"The Dance #3" - Brian Eno & Laraaji, Ambient 3: On Land
"Asphalt Rainbows" - GHQ, Crystal Healing
"The Paper Raft" - Of, Rocks Will Open
"Spring" - Charalambides, A Vintage Burden
"The Archangel (Hurray for the Beast)" - Giant Skyflower Band, Blood of the Sunworm
"Satellightning" - Nurse & Soldier, Marginalia
"Sheila" - Atlas Sound, Logos

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